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Ballarat Psychologist

Bulk Billed Psychologist Practice Ballarat


Medicare Bulk Billing and Rebates for Psychology

Bulk Billing means there is no out-of-pocket fee for the service.

Please be mindful that this does not make your session ‘free’; it is paid, on your behalf, via Medicare.

You will need a Mental Health Care Plan written up by a medical professional (GP, Psychiatrist, or Pediatrician) to be able to access bulk billing services through Ballarat Psychologists.

If you have a GP’s referral letter and a Mental Health Care Plan from the GP, we have daytime weekday appointments that are bulk billed to Medicare, so there is no gap fee or cost to you at all.

Simply remember to bring your Medicare Card and Mental Health Care Plan with you to your appointment.


Bulk Billed Psychology Services Ballarat

Anxiety and Stress

Overloaded? Wound-up? Worried? Our CBT, mindfulness and relaxation therapy can help alleviate stress.

Eating Disorders and Body Image Disorders

The clinic provides a range of evidence-based programs for treatment of eating disorders, disordered eating, emotional eating, obesity, weight and shape concerns, body image concerns and child feeding problems.
We provide various outpatient and inpatient services to people over the age of 18 who think they may have an eating or body image problem.

Substance-Related & Addiction Services

Our practice offers a range of services including youth programs as well as sexual health, drug and alcohol services.
If an addiction is negatively impacting your life, we'll provide treatment to get you back on course.

Family violence and sexual assault services

Our FVSA program provides a range of services, including relationship counselling, multicultural program and family violence services.
The aim of this crisis and trauma counselling service is to assist people experiencing the effects of sexual assault, domestic or family violence.

Non-Directive Pregnancy Support Counselling

We provide low to no cost support during pregnancy, birth and early parenting.
This is aimed at assisting women, men and families across Australia affected by anxiety & depression during pregnancy and early parenthood.

Trauma & abuse

Trauma can result in difficulty in coping or functioning normally. We can work with you to confront those situations.

Private Health Insurance

If you are not eligible for a Medicare rebate, you may be able to use your private health insurance to reduce the cost. The rebate available through Private Health will be dependent on your extras cover.

If you have private health insurance that includes psychological counselling as extras cover you may be eligible for a partial rebate. You can also confirm whether psychiatric services are included in your cover.

It is recommended that you contact your insurance provider for further information about your coverage because the amount rebated depends on the insurance company and level of insurance that you have.

Other funding bodies

Other Rebate and Funded Bodies

You can engage with our professional psychology services through a variety of ways that may suit you best:

WorkCover Counselling

Our Psychologists are all registered providers with the Victorian WorkCover Authority.

We offer Counselling for a range of workplace injuries including depression, anxiety and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.

TAC Counselling

If you have sustained an injury from a motor vehicle accident, you may be entitled to receive psychological treatment or counselling from one of our experienced psychologists, at no cost to you.


Our psychologists can evaluate and provide therapies that help NDIS clients with mental health challenges and work on techniques to assist in these concerns.


In special circumstances, we are also able to provide psychologist home visits, depending on your location, although these are not able to be bulk billed.

Can a psychologist bulk bill?

Yes, they can bulk bill. Some choose to charge a gap, where as others completely bulk bill so there is no cost to you out of pocket. It’s known as a sliding scale and completely up to the psychologist or their practice. They will be reimbursed by Medicare.

After these 10 sessions, Medicare won’t reimburse them anymore, which means that they won’t get paid. This is why for most psychologists, they’ll resume their normal fees. Although sometimes people can get lucky and find someone who will continue to see them free of charge (especially if they have clients with concession cards).

Call to enquire on your eligibility!

Telehealth Ballarat Psychologists

Bulk-Billed Telehealth Psychologists

Everyone needs to talk to someone from time-to-time. We’re that someone. Our online Bulk Billing Psychologists platform makes it easier and faster for you to access free mental health support.

Our platform ensures your private one-on-one counselling is secure and your data is kept confidential.

Telehealth sessions either online or via telephone can be bulk billed for low income concession card holders.

Call us to enquire further and for eligibility if you are need couples counselling.

Telehealth Ballarat Psychologists

If You are in Need of Our Support, Contact Us!

Ballarat Psychologists is a high-quality reputable psychology practice servicing the Ballarat region of Victoria

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