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Ballarat Psychologists

Marriage & Relationship Couples Counselling
Ballarat, Victoria


Why Choose Our Ballarat Psychology Practice?

Peace of Mind

We have seen troubling couples come to our marriage counselling services at Ballarat and they left totally changed.
In fact, they changed for the better.
You can pretty much assure you would want the same thing to happen to you and we use a variety of methods to accomplish the goal.

Detailed Therapy Plan

We will schedule a plan to help you with your goal.
It can be several sessions in a week or even a month depending on how soon you want to accomplish the goal.

Extensive Psychology Experience​​

We are confident of our capabilities since we have been doing this for several years.

Face to Face & Online Therapy

There is the option to engage with our practice in person but if you are a bit hesitant to do so, you can always do it online.

No Waiting List

Also, we will not put you on a waiting list so we will attend to your needs as soon as possible. The last thing we would want to happen is to keep anyone waiting.

Privacy & Safety

Don't worry though because nobody else would find out about what we will talk about.
Your marital problems are safe with us.

Resolving Communication Breakdown

When the relationship is a bit too long and you’re both a bit too busy, it is normal for both of you to not have that much communication with each other. Besides, there should be a reason as to why one of you would not want to reply to text messages or calls no matter how busy you are.

Even if you are busy at that time, you could have replied when you saw the message which means there are no excuses. We will get down to the bottom of how exactly your communication with each other slowly disappeared. After all, it is one of those things that is important in a relationship. If you really care about your partner, you should be in contact communication with her regarding her whereabouts. If she fails to inform you or refuses to do so then that can be a bit sketchy.


Inability to Move Past Issues

There are just some issues that you can’t possibly move on from. In fact, it is possible you tried numerous ways to move on from it but you still can’t do it.

As a result, you would think that you will need some help to move on from that issue. The good news is that therapists are trained with dealing with this sort of thing.

They will know exactly what they need to make you do in order to forget those past issues. While we all know the past is past and there is really nothing we can do about it.

While it is possible that you will encounter the same issues in the future, the counsellor will prepare you for it. Hence, you will know what you will do so that you won’t be stressed about it too much.

No matter what the past issue is, our team of relationship counselling experts at Ballarat Psychologists will help you through your relationship


No More Spark

At the start of the relationship, there is that spark that would always result in not getting enough of each other. As time moves on, you can’t help but realize that spark will slowly disappear especially with all the new challenges you face as a married couple.

One way or the other, your attitudes will change and you will see each other’s true personalities. Since you got married to each other, you will eventually decide if you can still take any more of this or not. As much as you think you will never regain that spark you once had, there is actually a way to get it when you get marriage counselling Ballarat.

The counsellor may even develop a new spark between the both of you.

Couples Counselling Ballarat

Book for Marriage Counselling Ballarat NOW!​

There are plenty of reasons to seek marriage counselling Ballarat so better save your marriage before it is too late.

You would not want to be one of those people who have many wives or husbands. It is not good for anyone’s image as they will think you can’t stick to one person.

You will get nothing but good things when you get therapy done by a licensed marriage counsellor. Remember to be patient though as this will most likely last several sessions until the problem goes away.

When that happens, we will be as thankful as you are and you should not hesitate at all to ask us any questions you may have about any problems you may encounter in the future.

If You are in Need of Our Support, Contact Us!​

Ballarat Psychologists is a high-quality reputable psychology practice servicing the Ballarat region of Victoria

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